台灣的活動大部份已經快要結束了! 在過去這幾個禮拜,都常常見到大家,也試著去記得你們的臉或者甚至你的名字! 而且,你們也因為支持我們的活動而花了很多錢,包括機票,精力還有最寶貴的時間! 謝謝你們!
其實,最開心是看到越來越多的你們…當我看到你們都能聚集在一起像一個家庭,或者像一班好朋友, 那是最讓我感動的! 我發覺你們已經知道為什麼你們要在這裡,不像之前那麼缺少紀律! 謝謝大家有聽工作人員的話!因為他們也是擔心我們會累,也擔心有時候你們會影響到我們的工作進度。好吧,我想大家都有進步,都變得比較成熟了,是吧??? 哈哈☺
其時,我也有想要怎麼讓我們接下來的活動進行得更順利也更成功。而我也相信很多時候我們都是在不斷的犯錯中學習和吸取教訓。當然我也會更盡力希望活動能包括做善事 …一起盡力吧!
最近, 很多人說我大部份只貼有關食物和風景的照片在我的部落格…想看到更多的我嗎??? 最好不要啦因為我怕你會看到不想看…哈哈,開玩笑啦! 其時 ,我一直覺得部落格是一個我可以讓大家更知到我的想法,我的感受,我想跟你們傳達的訊息,讓你們看到從我的眼睛所看到的世界。所以不一定要有我的照片,right? 嘿,這其實很珍貴喔,你知道嗎﹖哈哈☺
這次去日本真的又是一個很趕的行程…雖然整個行程不到30小時,但是我們做了很多很多的電視,雜誌訪問,當然還包括了最難忘的,就是在日本舉辦的握手會! 這是我們第一次那麼接近日本的朋友。我也必須盡力跟所有上台的你們說日文,甚至活動進行到一半的時候,我覺得我的舌頭都開始打結了…哈哈! 好吧,這是一個讓我學習也同時讓我感動的日本美好經驗!
海外的行程每次都這麼讓我興奮!!! 不一樣的環境,不一樣的經驗,當然還有不一樣的美食,最重要的是,可以跟世界各地的朋友見面…非掌期待這個月能跟大家在馬來西亞,新加坡和香港再次見面啦!!!
English Version
Most activities in Taiwan have come to an end! Seeing so many of you almost every week recently, I have grabbed the opportunity to remember your faces and your names as much as possible! I know a lot of money have been spent on the products we endorsed, air tickets and of course the energy, effort and most valuable time from all of you!!! Wow…Its Unbelievable! Thank you so much!
Actually, the happiest moment to me is the increase in number of our DEAR FRIENDS (you guys) and guess what…the most touching part is seeing you guys grouped up together like a family and good friends! Not only that, most of you knew pretty well why you were there unlike before when there was lack of discipline! Thanks for your co-operation with our staff! I guess everyone is getting more and more mature now huh???? Haha :-)
Of course, there are things which can still be improved…
Please Dont follow me home!
Please Dont spend money on gifts!
Whatever you do, Health and Safety comes FIRST!
As from our side, I have thought of how to make our activities more successful in the future and I believe there’s always trial and error and the most important is we learn to improve... Maybe include some kind of charity involvement as well! Will try my best…
I’ve seen the comments on my blog and many found out that most of the pictures I share with you guys are mostly food and sceneries…Want to see more of me??? Better not... coz it will make me worry that you guys will get bored of seeing me al the time… just kidding ☺ Actually, what I found useful of having a blog is that I am able to let more people share my feelings, see the places I’ve been to and experience part of my world with my pair of eyes. Hey, it’s very valuable so treasure it, ok? Haha :-)
Our trip to Japan was indeed a quick one… less than 30 hours but we did tons of TV programmes and magazine interviews and of course, the most memorable activity in Japan, which is the meet-and-greet activity with all our Nihon Supporters! It was our first time being so close with you guys! I remember and when I was trying to speak Japanese to everyone who came to the stage, halfway throughout the session, I found my tongue a bit twisted… haha! Nonetheless, it was a touching, fun and learning experience for me!
Actually, Overseas promotions have always been exciting to me!!! Different environment, different kinds of food and most importantly, meeting all the long-waited supporters… Cant wait to see u guys in Malaysia, Singapore and Hong Kong this month!!! Stay healthy ya…
Love and Peace to all of you!
Quote to share
Nothing in life is to be feared. It is only to be understood!
其實,最開心是看到越來越多的你們…當我看到你們都能聚集在一起像一個家庭,或者像一班好朋友, 那是最讓我感動的! 我發覺你們已經知道為什麼你們要在這裡,不像之前那麼缺少紀律! 謝謝大家有聽工作人員的話!因為他們也是擔心我們會累,也擔心有時候你們會影響到我們的工作進度。好吧,我想大家都有進步,都變得比較成熟了,是吧??? 哈哈☺
其時,我也有想要怎麼讓我們接下來的活動進行得更順利也更成功。而我也相信很多時候我們都是在不斷的犯錯中學習和吸取教訓。當然我也會更盡力希望活動能包括做善事 …一起盡力吧!
最近, 很多人說我大部份只貼有關食物和風景的照片在我的部落格…想看到更多的我嗎??? 最好不要啦因為我怕你會看到不想看…哈哈,開玩笑啦! 其時 ,我一直覺得部落格是一個我可以讓大家更知到我的想法,我的感受,我想跟你們傳達的訊息,讓你們看到從我的眼睛所看到的世界。所以不一定要有我的照片,right? 嘿,這其實很珍貴喔,你知道嗎﹖哈哈☺
這次去日本真的又是一個很趕的行程…雖然整個行程不到30小時,但是我們做了很多很多的電視,雜誌訪問,當然還包括了最難忘的,就是在日本舉辦的握手會! 這是我們第一次那麼接近日本的朋友。我也必須盡力跟所有上台的你們說日文,甚至活動進行到一半的時候,我覺得我的舌頭都開始打結了…哈哈! 好吧,這是一個讓我學習也同時讓我感動的日本美好經驗!
海外的行程每次都這麼讓我興奮!!! 不一樣的環境,不一樣的經驗,當然還有不一樣的美食,最重要的是,可以跟世界各地的朋友見面…非掌期待這個月能跟大家在馬來西亞,新加坡和香港再次見面啦!!!
English Version
Most activities in Taiwan have come to an end! Seeing so many of you almost every week recently, I have grabbed the opportunity to remember your faces and your names as much as possible! I know a lot of money have been spent on the products we endorsed, air tickets and of course the energy, effort and most valuable time from all of you!!! Wow…Its Unbelievable! Thank you so much!
Actually, the happiest moment to me is the increase in number of our DEAR FRIENDS (you guys) and guess what…the most touching part is seeing you guys grouped up together like a family and good friends! Not only that, most of you knew pretty well why you were there unlike before when there was lack of discipline! Thanks for your co-operation with our staff! I guess everyone is getting more and more mature now huh???? Haha :-)
Of course, there are things which can still be improved…
Please Dont follow me home!
Please Dont spend money on gifts!
Whatever you do, Health and Safety comes FIRST!
As from our side, I have thought of how to make our activities more successful in the future and I believe there’s always trial and error and the most important is we learn to improve... Maybe include some kind of charity involvement as well! Will try my best…
I’ve seen the comments on my blog and many found out that most of the pictures I share with you guys are mostly food and sceneries…Want to see more of me??? Better not... coz it will make me worry that you guys will get bored of seeing me al the time… just kidding ☺ Actually, what I found useful of having a blog is that I am able to let more people share my feelings, see the places I’ve been to and experience part of my world with my pair of eyes. Hey, it’s very valuable so treasure it, ok? Haha :-)
Our trip to Japan was indeed a quick one… less than 30 hours but we did tons of TV programmes and magazine interviews and of course, the most memorable activity in Japan, which is the meet-and-greet activity with all our Nihon Supporters! It was our first time being so close with you guys! I remember and when I was trying to speak Japanese to everyone who came to the stage, halfway throughout the session, I found my tongue a bit twisted… haha! Nonetheless, it was a touching, fun and learning experience for me!
Actually, Overseas promotions have always been exciting to me!!! Different environment, different kinds of food and most importantly, meeting all the long-waited supporters… Cant wait to see u guys in Malaysia, Singapore and Hong Kong this month!!! Stay healthy ya…
Love and Peace to all of you!
Quote to share
Nothing in life is to be feared. It is only to be understood!
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