Selasa, Oktober 23, 2007

Chun takes part in a film, Jiro jealous?

Tuesday October 23, 2007 Taiwan

this is a translation from a chinese newspaper in singapore.

~credits to highlyretarted~
and noka of


chun is really popular, great directors like stephen/steven chow asked him to star in their movies. recently chun went to beijing for liu wei qiangs martial arts show , to have martial arts training. and at the same time, jiro told his friend privately, " i want to be in those martial arts show too, even if it requires me to be sunwukong." what sounds like jiro's jealous confession, th relationship between all th frh members is put to th test again.

a few days ago, when jiro was recording fr th new album, he was asked if he was feeling imbalanced because chun had a part in then he answered awkardly, "sigh, as an actor, i want to take part in everything, every role possible! if you want to speak about being imbalanced, actually i want to be superman too! only being able to a normal human being, i feel really imbalanced!"

jiro said before tht it is a fact tht he wants to act in a martialarts show, "but, it's not only me who wants to act. aaron wants to act, calvin wants to act too! maybe many other actors want to act too!" lastly, he said, "dont link to chun anymore la, it's very stupid &lame, it's not his fault or anything tht i have this kind of thinking."

photo credit to:sarah2908

~your kind of Pudding~

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