UDN News
translations by xbunnylicious

After seeing the success of Stars Reunion, fans are becoming impatient about Fahrenheit's new album. Now finally the OST to 'The X-Family' is released today. Jiro Wang, Arron Yan, and Calvin Chen, all have solo songs. Fans of Wu Zun asked, "Why doesn't Wu Zun have a solo?"
Fahrenheit will be singing the themesong "Chu Shen Ru Hua" (出神入化) and the subsong "Bu Hui Ai" (ä¸æœƒæ„›). What is interesting is that Jiro, Calvin, and Arron all have solo songs. This is the first time the Fahrenheit members have their own solo songs. Calvin resang Qi Yu's "Ni Shi Wo Suo You De Hui Yi", Jiro resang Jiang Lei's "Zai Shui Yi Fang", and Arron's new song is "Yuan Yi Bu Ai Ni".
Although the three of them are happy, they admit the pressue that they have. Calvin and Jiro has even more pressure because they are resinging two classic songs. Calvin recorded two versions of the song. One is a drama version and the other is the emotional version. The emotional version won at last. Jiro's "Zai Shui Yi Fang" is also different from the original. Jiro will start the song with an acapella. At the middle, calm music will suddenly appear, which then leads to rock and roll.
Many Wu Zun fans were upset after seeing the leaked tracklist. They protested that Wu Zun doesn't have his own solo song and suspects that the reason is to constrain Wu Zun's popularity.
HIM Music explained that the three solos are used to match the drama. Wu Zun is only guest staring in The X-Family so no solo songs were planned for him. They hope the fans will understand this.
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