Friday, september 28 2007 Taiwan

1. What kind of matter will affect your emotions and mood?
Aaron: When I do my work well, there will be a period of time when I will feel sad, but I will get over it very fast. As long as I do it better tomorrow. However, one must give himself pressure, although there will be moments where you feel out of breathe, but to me, the tougher the task is, the better it is, this is a kind of self challenge, if I can overcome it, it will be a success to myself.
2. Are you a melancholy person?
Aaron: I will think a lot when I am alone, but if there is nothing I can do regarding the matter, I will take it lightly, for example, I won~{!/~}t think ~{!0~}my luck has been down~{!1~}, if I met any unlucky stuff, I will forget about it. There is some matters that you need to consider positively, there~{!/~}s no need to blame on luck.
3. What do you wish to be like in future?
Aaron: I hope I can be someone who will not be affected by backstabs and rumours, and become a man of confidence. For example there~{!/~}s someone who insult me on purpose, or overly praising me, I will not be affected by all these things, maintaining my free and easy mood.
4. What kind of girls will you be attracted to?
Aaron: Someone who dress naturally, I don~{!/~}t like girls who wear thick make-up
5. What will you do if you found that your girlfriend has been unfaithful?
Aaron: Break uo! I won~{!/~}t say a single thing, I will suffer on my own! Because we were once willing parties
6. What have you been collecting from young?
Aaron: stamps, piano scores, movie tickets, soccer jersey, soccer players~{!/~} poster~{!-~}
7. What is the weird illness (habit) that you can never change from young?
Aaron: Look at mirror, and standing up for the injustice!
8. If you have a chance to change your childhood, what would you like to change?
Aaron: Nothing! Because I never did a single thing that I regret before.
9. Use a word to describe your life?
Aaron: Exciting/ Different !
10. If you can live to 30 years old but you will be very rich, or live to 120 but you~{!/~}ll be very poor, which kind of life will you choose?
Arron: 30 years old, because I never thought before I could live so long.
Translated by Tiffany